Hair Removal

Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is one of the most popular cosmetic laser treatments performed for men and women. At SP Aesthetics we offer fast, safe, effective results for laser hair removal. Our advanced technique includes a highly experienced team using one of the fastest and painless machines on the market.

Laser hair removal has become the second most common cosmetic procedure performed in the United States. Most individuals will require a series of treatments over time for best results. You are treated on an individual basis and your laser needs will be addressed as such. Laser hair removal has been approved by the FDA for permanent hair reduction, which will occur over a period of time. Some individuals may see these results, which may last for many years others may need maintenance treatments over time to maintain their degree of hair loss.

Bikini area
Am I a candidate
If you have ever considered a permanent way to remove hair in any of the unwanted areas including the face, arms, underarms, legs, bikini, or other areas you are a candidate. However, since the laser needs melanin to be able to destroy the hair follicle; red, white or blonde hairs will not respond to laser hair removal treatments. In this case, electrolysis is the best option.

How to prepare for it
  • Medical history and a physical exam will be performed beforehand. 
  • Avoid sunbathing, tanning beds, waxing, chemical peels or collagen injections for two weeks prior to the procedure. 
  • Avoid perfumes, deodorants or any potential irritants in the treatment area before and after treatment. 
  • Avoid aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements due to increased risk of possible bruising.
        How does Laser Hair Removal Work
        The laser passes safely through the epidermis (the top layer of skin) to the root of the hair where the pigment in the root of the hair immediately absorbs the energy and thermally damages the hair root.

        There are many advantages of Laser Hair Removal:
        • Unlike electrolysis, whereby each individual hair is treated, larger areas are targeted in one discharge of light, therefore making the treatment much quicker. Small areas such as upper lip, chin, and bikini area can be completed in as little as five to ten minutes. 
        • Treatments are more comfortable compared to other hair removal methods. 
        • Only maintenance visits are necessary after completion of a successful course of treatments. 
        • Typically clients will see results in at least 6-12 treatments, though the number may vary upon skin tone, hair color, and many other factors. The treatments are usually spaced apart about every 4-8 weeks depending on the area. Your provider will talk to you about variables that may affect your individual needs. 
        What areas can be treated with Laser Hair Removal? 
        All areas can be treated! The most common areas are chin, upper lip and neck, followed by bikini area, abdomen, and underarms. Due to treatments being quick and efficient, more and more people are seeking laser hair removal.

        Recovery Process 
        Slight redness or localized swelling can occur, but this usually subsides within the first 24 hours after treatment. Keep in mind hormonal changes and the aging process can affect future hair growth.
              Possible Risks
              Like any other treatment, there are risks associated with it. 
              • Pain
              • Burns
              • Blisters 
              • Skin pigmentation problems 
              • Scarring
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